Mexican food has become a staple in the everyday meal choices of Americans. In fact, one out of ten restaurants in the U.S. serves Mexican food, clearly outshining Italian cuisines, Chinese dishes, and meals from other cultures. Mexican restaurants in Tulare, CA are extremely popular due to offering traditional Mexican food, with carne asada among the specialties. Here’s a little bit of food for thought about carne asada and what makes it great for the next time you get a Mexican food craving. What is carne asada anyway? The term carne asada literally translates to “grilled meat”. It is a traditional dish that is basically a grilled thinly sliced marinated steak. Perhaps one can call it the Mexican counterpart to the American barbecue, but there is a world of difference between the two. Restaurants that serve Mexican food in Tulare, CA make traditional carne asada from skirt steak, a cut of beef that is noted for its flavor and fibers that are not necessarily tender.